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the one garment that ties everything togetheR

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Like shoes, a shirt can make or break a suit; too long in the sleeve and the wearer can look like he's borrowed it from an elder sibling, too short in the sleeve and he runs the risk of not shooting enough cuff - considered de rigueur.

In addition, if the collar is too small it gives the illusion, or rather impression, of girth, not to mention discomfort. And, if too large, then it will gather at the neck when one's tie is fastened - not a great look either. It is the opinion of my customers, that, whilst
there is nothing quite like having a bespoke suit made, it is having one's shirts made that provides immediate gratification. 

Being, as they are, in contact with the body, it is immediately apparent in terms of comfort, proportion and fit, that a shirt has been cut for the wearer. Surely it is a luxury we cannot afford to deny ourselves being as it is the base layer upon which we wear our suit and the one garment that ties everything together.