The End of Summer..


While Bristol’s local tailor is of the volition that the recent inclement weather is nothing more than the tail end of hurricane Bertha, it would appear that, though the sun has returned to our skies we have been subject to more than the usual number of showers for this time of year, and, most disconcertingly of all, the temperature has dropped and it is no longer what you would consider to be clement weather.. and more’s the pity.

Well, I say that. Frankly, the summer sun is of no use to me unless I am laying poolside in a pair of Speedos. Yes, you heard me right. And rather the tail end of summer and beginning of Autumn are my favourite times of year for dressing up in one’s finery and enjoying a leisurely stroll to the studio; whilst putting one’s Cheaney shoes and Fox umbrella through their respective paces in the best of British blustery weather.

However, I do have more than a vested interest in this return to cooler climes, given that we failed miserably this year to make the traditional English cream linen suit in good time to enjoy it during these summer months. We did, however, manage to make the pinstripe suit we’d been yearning for for over a year; an 11 oz panama weave by Harrisons of Edinburgh. And well worth the weight it was too. I would describe this particular cloth as being ‘dry to the touch’, as opposed ‘soft to the touch’, like a flannel for example. And it has a matte appearance, which absorbs light, as opposed to reflecting light, which cloths with a sheen will do, and dark blue cloths in particular (I’m sure there is a scientific reason for this, but I’m not aware of it).

In addition, in the past week Brown in Town has received no fewer than two commissions for overcoats, which really puts the feelings of one’s patrons, with regard this particular British summer, into perspective. This in turn has caused Bristol’s local tailor to consider his options for an overcoat much earlier than I’d anticipated. No bad thing, however, considering one’s epic fail where one’s linen suit was concerned, tisk tisk.

In my defence, however, it was only the linen suit which I failed to orchestrate in time for, what I hope will not be as short a summer as it is threatening to be. For I did manage to put onto the cutting table a rather fetching 9 oz, H. Lesser, Prince of Wales check in autumnal shades. And, albeit I had anticipated I’d be sporting her long into November, in what I had believed would be an Indian Summer in order to make the most of it’s lightweight nature, I won’t mind so much if I’ve managed to prepare my new (covert) coat in order to provide an additional layer of warmth, oh the trials and tribulations.

So, if like me you are not adverse to a chill in the air of a morning, and enjoy putting your suits to good use, then I’d recommend a 10/11oz around this time, increasing to a 12/13oz to carry your through winter, into, what will inevitably be a later Spring. When Bristol’s local tailor will be making use of his linen suit, which I’m sure he’ll have organised by then!
All the best,

Brown in Town